Have you ever asked yourself, Why am I a failure, What is happening to my life, Where can I find the answers, Can I change my current situation, Where do I go for help?.If you are asking yourself these and hundreds of other questions, there is an answer that will apply. It is easy to describe but more difficult to implement.Why is it difficult? It is not easy because we make it hard on ourselves.
The major challenges that are faced come down to only a few things. We set in front of us 3 major roadblocks to Success.The 3 factors are Procrastination, Lack of Confidence, and a Belief that we do not have the ability to Succeed.Don't procrastinate! The cure for procrastination is ACTION!.Take action, NOW on your dreams and goals.Every second you wait, you will be wasting time that will change your life.
Don't let not having a Dream and a Goal keep you in the same old place that you have been for years.Take ACTION now. Keep taking ACTION and don't stop. Procrastination is the killer of your personal Success. Never, ever quit on your success goals.
What is a lack of confidence? F E A R.Lack of confidence is a feeling that you create from fear. You have control of your level of confidence.
The cure for lack of confidence is to create for yourself a strong reason for achieving your success. When your reason is big enough you will cure your self-doubt and rid yourself of FEAR. Find your Big reason to go on. My friend John Di Lemme say's, Find Your WHY.Have Faith in your Dream's and Goal's.Faith is something that is an intangible concept.
Faith is something, "Not Seen". The best way that I have found to describe FAITH is, "Find-Answers-In-The-Heart". When you have a strong reason to succeed this will be the way into your Heart from your mind. When that happens, you will feel the Success goals and guidance in your Heart.
.Frank Gasiorowski or as he is known on the Internet as, "Mr.90DayGoals" has been teaching 90 Day Goals techniques as a speaker, workshop and seminar leader and "TodaysGuest" Interview Host with Goals TV and Goals Radio. Get your FR*EE 90 Day Goals ezine at http://www.90DayGoals.
com.Send an email to Frank@90DayGoals.com and ask for a FR*EE "Moving Forward Daily Goals setting List" as my gift to you.
By: Frank Gasiorowski